TCG Template v1.0

What makes a good TCG template? I used to do for digital TCG only. It took less time and it's not as restricted as printing TCG templates are. But this time I decided to do something harder. Lots of research went into this. Standard sizes, bleeds, even the rounding must be according to standard as to not give your local printer a severe headache. I wanted also to add more customization. Two types of portrait frames, two types of name plates for the monsters, two types of descriptions, two types of backgrounds (one blue crystal-ish looking the other rocky brown), two types of values for the card and each major element has a color adjustment layer. Plus I decided to add more logos, different types of quality/rarity and a single type symbol. The project is finished, finally and I will move on to other projects. Feels good to be on the saddle again.


Titanslayer TCG 166 MB
98 days ago

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